Information for Members:

- EVENTS 2024:

Mon April 15th
Peter Barker RSMA is booked for another Demonstration at our art session on Monday 15th April 2024 10.30am - 12.30. Peter will demonstrate in either oils or pastels
his incredible expertise. Members £2 on entry, guests and friends £3.

May 13 - 25 Stamford Arts Centre Exhibition
Our Spring Exhibition with about 100 artworks has its set up day on Monday 13th May and runs until Saturday the 25th. Open daily Mon-Sat 09.30 to 5, including any evenings when centre events are running. The new foyer cafe is open and well worth stopping by on your way to or from the Gallery. See the SAC website for opening hours details. Two hour free parking can be found in Bath Row by the river meadows, about five mins walk away for the fit and able.

Sep 30 - Oct 5 Oakham Victoria Hall Exhibition
This exhibition needs brass "frame plates" screwed either side about two-thirds of the way up the artwork's frame, to enable fixing to the walls.
Frame plates are found in DIY stores or in the DIY section of the QD store in Oakham's Church Street. Or at Martyn the framer's (below).
Also we need Stewarding volunteer pairs in shifts in the hall - maybe invite a friend to help - no experience needed.

- Membership Subscriptions:
Are payable half-yearly @ £50 on 1st April and 1st October. You can pay by cheque at the next Monday Art session after those dates,
or by bank transfer to Oakham Art Group 40-35-21, account 61199994. (You can wait until a Group email requesting subs is sent out).

- OAG 2025 Calendar entries and deadline:
Entries are invited around early June, submitted by email, max 3 per Member this year. The last day for entries has been set for Monday 8th July 2024. The subject title must relate to a named place in Rutland, but can be an animal or bird etc, as long as a place name is included. Each entry must be preferably unframed, preferably unsigned, and in landscape format (not portrait upright). Pictures illustrating seasonal aspects are particularly welcomed.

- Recommended artwork framing - Martyn Morgan of M&H Framing (based in Mansfield) with his van and stall are to be found most Wed & Sat mornings in Oakham Market Place somewhere near Cafe Nero. Very skilled, good choice of frames, reasonably priced. Mobile 07721 519871

- Demonstrations & Workshops planned in 2024:
- Peter Barker RSMA of Uppingham (pastels or oils demonstration) - Monday 15.4.24
- Phil Biggs of Spalding (watercolours workshop).....being planned for Autumn
- Andrea Naylor formerly of Whitwell (pastels workshop)...being planned for a Monday session in July.

- Outings and Summer Lunch:
Coach outing organised by Welland Valley Art Society of Stamford to art galleries in London on a Sunday in the summer (any details to follow)
Summer lunch at Rutland Water Golf Club again to be held in June or July (details to follow). This year’s is set for Monday July 15th.

- How to get your Artworks into your own online gallery (under Artworks above)::
- EITHER bring your artworks, framed or unframed, to a Monday art session and ask Bruce to photograph them on his iPad for processing
- OR attach them three or four at a time to emails and send to Bruce for processing, along with title and medium used. They can be of any age.

- Art tuition DVDs library
The Group has a store of about 50 art DVDs (and we can lend you a player to attach to your TV).
Lists of the subjects and tutor artists are available at our art sessions, together with a sign-out sheet.