Below: Exton Hall, Exton, Rutland. Watercolour by the late Trevor Brown. (Reproduced by permission of the Rt.Hon.the Viscount and Lady Campden).
Calendar Front Cover - EXTON HALL, Exton, Rutland. Watercolour by Trevor Brown, reproduced by Kind Permission of the Rt. Hon. The Viscount and Lady Campden

Below: A Monday morning session in full swing.. Generally we get around a dozen attending each week.

Below: Scenes at our art group session in Nov 2018 during artist Peter Barker's oils demonstration (see text on right).
artist Peter Barker demonstration 26.11.2018 - 1

artist Peter Barker demonstration 26.11.2018 - 2

artist Peter Barker demonstration 26.11.2018 - 3
Exhibitions and Other News

Our Autumn Exhibition Sep 30th to Oct 5th 2024 is being mounted in the Victoria Hall in Oakham High Street - opposite Otters cafe and food emporium, with free entry 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday, plus Saturday morning. There’s free parking available around the corner in Church Street, or for 30 mins in the street’s council car park, or for two hours in Station Road a five min walk. Prices of the approx hundred artworks are mostly well below a hundred pounds. Art visitors’ toilet on site.

Our Exhibition held 14th - 24th May at Stamford Arts Centre involved nearly a hundred artwork entries and we were quite pleased that 6 sold over the fortnight.


Older items:-

Peter Barker RSMA (see further below) gave another Demonstration at our art session on Monday 15th April 2024 and demonstrated in oils his incredible expertise, this time a sunny country lane summer scene in the Stamford area. Guests were welcomed at £3 each.

Our 2023 exhibition in Stamford Arts Centre’s main gallery was held for two weeks in July when we displayed 109 artworks by 19 of our then 23 members. This is our premier venue for displaying our members’ works and usually attracts the largest footfall, however as the centre’s cafe was still closed at that time, footfall and therefore sales were well down on previous exhibitions there. Our next exhibition will be mounted here in May 2024 when hopefully the cafe will be back in business.

In March 2023 we mounted an Exhibition in the Victoria Hall in Oakham High Street for a week when again most of the 70 artworks were for sale at reasonable prices, well below a hundred pounds.

In October 2022 we had another Demonstration by top local artist Peter Barker RSMA who has his impressive gallery (including other artists’ works) in Hope’s Yard, Uppingham. Peter expertly created a really beautiful countryside and river scene using soft pastels, much enjoyed and admired by the audience (see photo in the About section above).

One Monday in November 2021 our art session was a Watercolours Workshop with professional artist Phil Biggs from Spalding, who guided our eleven participants through the stages of creating an English Lakeland scene with a farmhouse, distant hills, trees and a drystone wall, much enjoyed by all.

During 2020 between lockdowns we had an exhibition of artworks for sale in the inner gallery of Victoria Hall in Oakham High Street, as part of the Hall's Pictures For Pleasure exhibitions. Other artists also exhibited in the gallery space. Our prices were mostly well below £100.

Our Summer 2019 Exhibition was held over 19 days in late summer at Stamford Arts Centre. Twenty of the thirty members exhibited and 14 artworks were sold. We hope to return to this heavily pre-booked venue at some stage in the coming years, having previously secured a much sought after gallery booking there in 2016.

Occasionally we have local artists run demonstration sessions, and in November 2018 we engaged Peter Barker RSMA of Uppingham to paint in oils a winter frosty scene of a bend on the River Welland with rural fields, trees and telegraph poles in the misty background (see photos on this page).