The photo shows a group of members at a Monday session.

Below: A demonstration for us by Uppingham artist Peter Barker RSMA in soft pastels of a scene on a peaceful and serene River Welland
Oakham Art Group meet each week on Monday mornings (but not Bank Holidays) 10.30 till 12.30 at Oakham Bowling Club in The Vale on the Cricket Lawns estate in Oakham, with a half time break with one's own drinks for refreshment and a stroll around the room.

Members share common experiences, advice and inspirations without a tutor in attendance and using their own materials and subject matter, although periodic tutorial demonstrations and workshops are arranged with mainly local professional artists. We encourage artwork of all standards, be it painting or sketching, in a relaxed fairly quiet atmosphere with a break for a drink, a chat and a stroll around to see what others are doing (free biscuits provided!). Members are encouraged to put forward works for their own section here on our website - under Artworks.

Occasionally we mount Exhibitions in Oakham’s Victoria Hall, Stamford Arts Centre or the County Museum in Oakham, although not all members wish to exhibit, which is fine.

Those who like en plein air painting at outside locations can also be catered for if weather permits and if a leader comes forward for a location.

Membership is limited to a maximum of 25 to enable us to get together in our one room with its pleasant view across the bowling green. There is no entry assessment, but for membership or general enquiries please use the Contact Us button on this website. Membership subscriptions are currently £50 per half year payable in April and October, but a first trial Monday session is free of charge.